Does This Sound Familiar?

I don't know what to say to my list!

I struggle to come up with content for my readers.

I don't mail my list at all because I'm afraid they'll unsubscribe!

A Lot of My Revenue Comes from Email Marketing...

That's why I'm here to help you right now...

Sending emails to your list is not only about writing. It's about planning.

But MOST IMPORTANTLY, it's about getting your reader to take the action you want them to take. 

The beauty of automated email marketing is you get to use your best content over and over again as new readers come onto your list. 

Success for me came after years, and I mean YEARS, of mistakes. You're probably making many of those same mistakes right now. That's why I've put together this training.

There are only 3 keys to being successful with online marketing using an email autoresponder series. You're going to discover those now . . .

Ready to Start Making A Bigger Impact Without Spending Your Priceless Time?

The Three Key Strategies

  • Save TIme

    Create re-usable email content that generates ongoing income


    Eliminate your stress about emailing every day and have more fun.

  • Earn Money

    Know exactly what your community responds to, delivering high conversion rates.

With my easy-to-follow, step-by-step system, we focus on real paths to email and business success, not short-lived, game-the-system tricks. And we don't do theory. We focus on email autoresponder tactics that work with clear fill-in-the-blank steps in a strategy planner you can refer to that builds your autoresponder series painlessly! There are no push-button riches, no loopholes. Just the building blocks most people skip. In EMAIL AUTORESPONDERS THAT CONVERT, I’ll walk you through a simple process for understanding and defining your autoresponder series so it helps you generate the financial freedom that comes with great automated email marketing.

Inside You Will Get:

Four Short Modules that get you where you need to be quickly. A fill-in-the-blank Quick Start Guide that helps you complete the necessary pieces to build a powerful autoresponder series that converts. A Checklist to keep by your side and refer to whenever you need a reminder to keep you on target. Quick memory-jogging Graphics And Tools to assist you every time you create a new autoresponder series.
Inside You Will Get:

See What's Inside:

(Click on each box for more.)

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If you check it out and decide it's not for you, your money will be refunded to you.
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Now Is The Time Setup Your Autoresponder System To Make Your Impact

Stop trying to figure it out alone and get it done now.

Get started now

Why This System?

Jean Has Been Where You Are And Understands Your Frustrations So She's Able To Make This Simple And Keep You From Getting Stuck.

  • Jean Lanoue

    Jean Lanoue

    If you’re reading this, you’re probably the kind of entrepreneur I love to help: one who wants to grow, but is frustrated by all there is to do. If that’s you, let me show you how, through quick and simple daily actions, you can bypass overwhelm and self-doubt and generate exciting momentum that can help you grow the kind of business and life you love. I’ve done this myself, which is why I created Irresistible Solutions. In addition to this method of helping entrepreneurs, I built a 7-Figure Agency and have helped hundreds of others reach their goals, plus I’m a best-selling author, speaker, & consultant. And I have a ton of certifications - email, content marketing, inbound marketing and way too many to list. You would get bored. Let's just say I'm obsessed.

Look what they're saying:

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Jeannie Levinson

"Novice To Expert"

Jeannie Levinson

Jean Lanoue is the go to authority on all things Digital Marketing. Her Irresistable Solutions Training Programs are the absolute best to take any small business or entrepreneur from novice to expert in building sales funnels, a social media presence and online marketing strategies that will immediately start producing an automated cash flow straight into their pockets."
Liz Wolfe

"My reach grew by 30%"

Liz Wolfe

My reach grew by 30% in 6 months after working with Jean. For years I had been putting my marketing together piecemeal, and this Jean brought it all together for me. I clarified who my “ideal” client is, gained a deeper understanding of what works to move people through a prospect funnel, and was able to utilize content I already had by organizing it appropriately into the funnel. I then was able to fill in the missing pieces based on what I learned. My marketing emails became more effective and I’ve seen my reach grow because of it. Jean’s knowledge is deep and her guidance is invaluable.
Michele Scism

"Increased Sales by 35%"

Michele Scism

"My Increased Sales by 35% by simply changing one thing after one conversation with Jean. She knows her stuff."

Bonus material

Include additional content to your course curriculum to provide further value to your students.

  • Fill-In-The-Blanks Quick Start Guide

    Using your guide as you go through the steps, you will have your entire autoresponder series planned in detail.

  • Power Words

    Discover which words you should use and which ones to avoid in your freebie to effectively drive more conversions.

  • Headline Cheatsheet

    Headlines Examples and Best Practices For Conversion